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Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Pruvian Mountain Roads

Peruvian mountain roads

This morning I left Huaraz early for a trip to Chavin De Huantar - a pre Inca temple that was built 3000 years ago, by guys who worshipped an Alien guy who pretended he was Jaguar. I suppose he was there checking that’s where the gold was. The trip via a normal tour company was half the price of the hustlers that get you at the bus so just ignore them as you usually do. The bus went through some pretty crazy mountain passes - I don’t know if you know about Peruvian mountain roads but they twist and turn and invariably are mud tracks which crazed trucks and buses race through and often die on. The is a corner on this road called ‘Curva de Diablo’ and one called ‘save yourself if you can’ must be Peruvian humour. They obviously don’t think it dangerous enough because since it rains a lot you get numerous landslides. Obvious solution - mine into the rock adjacent to the road, just in case! I couldn’t believe it, there are working coal mines on the side of the road here, basically multiplying the chances of landlslides by a factor of ten billion. They must really need that coal at any cost.

My camera was stolen today so no photos till i buy a new one tomorrow!

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